Frequently Asked Questions

What is the procedure to get checked?  Top 

Reception: Patient first reports at reception to get registration and hospital chit.
Diagnosis: After registration patient is being checked in diagnostic department for diagnosis of the problem.

What are Risk Factors for Dental Diseases? Top

Below mentioned are the risk factors for dental diseases:

  • Diabetes (Suger)
  • Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
  • Smoking
  • Family History
  • Poor personal hygiene  
  • Stress
  • Imbalanced Diet
How can we prevent children from dental disease? Top
Children are at increasing risk due to poor oral hygiene maintenance, high intake of candies, sweets biscuits and chocolates, improper brushing.  Children can be prevented from dental diseases by proper brushing low intake of sweets and early preventive treatments (pit and fissure sealing).
What is Preventive Dentistry? Top

There are following preventive measures:

  • Tooth brushing twice a day
  • Antiseptic mouth washes after brushing twice a day
  • Pit and fissure sealing (if indicated)
  • Application of fluoride gel
  • Intake of fluoridated water (water containing 1ppm of fluoride)
  • Quarterly dental checkups (Health Professional) 
  • The most important aspect of preventive dentistry is to change the lifestyle, behavior and food intake, that in turn is only possible by creating awareness regarding the risk factors and subsequent effects of dental diseases. it is the prime responsilblity of dental helath care system to emphasize on the princiles of prevetive dentistry.
What are Risk Factors? Top

The risk factors for dental diseases are diabetes, hypertension, smoking, family history of congenital diseases and stress factors. Following is a brief explanation of all these factors to help create awareness about them:

Poor Oral Hygiene: Physical inactivity (disable person) has high risk of dental disease. Such paitents should use electric tooth brush for oral hygiene maintenance
Imbalanced Diet: An imbalanced diet consisting of high carbohydrate contents can lead to dental caries in the oral cavity.  This can cause cavities in teeth.
Family History: Some dental diseases are familial like gingival fibromatoses, amelogensis imprefacta, dentiongenesis imperfecta etc.
Smoking: Cigarette smoking increases the risk of periodontal disease. The risk is amplified by several times if the smoker has poor oral hygiene
Diabetes: Diabetes Mellitus (Suger) is a risk factor for gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis. Un controlled diabetes and  poor oral hygiene cause loss of bone  and early tooth loss.
Stress: Continuous stress in a person causes  para functional habit like Nocturnal Bruxism, cheek/lip bitting etc which cause severe attrition and TMJ dysfunction.

What are useful tips for healthy teeth? Top

These are 

  • Tooth brushing twice daily( after breakfast and before going to bed at night)
  • use of antiseptic mouth wash.
  • Pit and fissure sealing i(f indicated)
  • Application of fluoride gel
  • Fluoridated water intake (water containing 1ppm of fluoride)
  • Quarterly dental checkups